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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Maya Angelou

We bid farewell to an extraordinary women. Thank you for being such an inspiration. I'll never forget her tribute poem to uTata:

"His day is done.
Is done.
The news came on the wings of a wind, reluctant to carry its burden.
Nelson Mandela’s day is done.
The news, expected and still unwelcome, reached us in the United States, and suddenly our world became somber.
Our skies were leadened.

His day is done.
We see you, South African people standing speechless at the slamming of that final door through which no traveler returns.
Our spirits reach out to you Bantu, Zulu, Xhosa, Boer.
We think of you and your son of Africa, your father, your one more wonder of the world."

(Picture credit: Google)

Monday, May 26, 2014

1 Minute for what?? NXA

I'm so over getting a license - screw this!!! I failed because I completed the yard test in 21minutes instead of 20!!! Just 1 minute?? Are you freaking kidding me. MXM

Friday, May 23, 2014

My Daily Bread







Thursday, May 22, 2014

Art By Kendall-Leigh Nash

How talented is she? I know right. Well this is the work of my friend and colleague Kendall-Leigh Nash, visit her website: to see more of her work or if you're interested in buying some of her pieces.


This is what went down:

My Boi, Trevor Stuurman looking fresh - as always!

Erato's Fabulous Fashion Items

Inside The Goodie Bag

Red Velvet Delicious

Matching Nails (Picture credit: Roxanne van Zyl)

Friend and Colleague Ncumisa (Picture credit: Ncumisa)

My girl Siki working that hair

I love my Team

Such an incredible evening, Thank you once again to #jennamcarthur and #EratoAW14

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Cheer Up It's Thursday

Something to cheer you up after that depressing post on 'Mind me vs Reality me.' A shoot I styled a few issues ago for Club Magazine - cool ne? Hehehehehe....

Mind Me vs Reality Me

Ever feel like you're not exactly sure of the type of person you are? Are you a passionate person, a hard worker, a go-getter or just a wandering human in search of something you're not even sure of? I ask myself these questions all the time. What is a quarter -life crises? Does it occur to 24 year olds about to turn 25? Is it a person that is always questioning everything in their life from career choices, relationships (family and friends included) and just purely everything else there is to question about the world in general.

Well if that's what a quarter-life crises is then I guess I'm going through one. I'm in such a weird space in my life right now, I tried so hard to describe it to my partner yesterday, luckily he gets me so I think he kinda understood exactly what I meant; I said to him: ' I feel like my life is at a stand still, the only thing I can move really are my eyes and maybe my head but all my limbs are tied to opposite sides by some invisible rope or should I say chain because every things seems a bit much.'

 I'm just not sure which direction I'm going, I'm always second guessing every decision I make - it's like I don't  trust my own head to make decisions for me - shit is real, it's beyond late for me hahaha (the kinda of laughter that's not like a funny joky laughter but when you're actually in disbelief of a situation.)

A lot of times I feel like the mind me (the person I imagine myself to be) and reality me (who I actually am) live two separate lives. Mind me is so much cooler, she can only dream of a quarter -life crises, that shit ain't real to her. She's a super-duper woman, who knows what she wants and knows exactly what she needs to do to get it. She isn't scared, the world is her oyster and she enjoys  it with a little tabasco sauce and a pinch of salt (delish) - the original bitch! And then we come to the reality me, always doing things the safe -way; no risk taker, she's cool and amazing similar to mind me but she doesn't quite have her shit together just yet.

I mean I do have a lot of faith on reality me, she'll do great and everything but I think she needs to get out of her comfort zone a little bit more and actually start taking charge. I want both mind me and reality me to come together as one, I just haven't quite figure out how. When I do figure it out, you'll be sure to know - but for now - mind me and reality me are still sitting on opposites sides of the room.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

In Other News - Solange Knowles goes Ninja

And then?

I Just Wanna Drive

Hi Family

I've had a rough couple of days but not as rough as yesterday - I can't remember the last time I actually chilled out, no stress zero worries, uphola khe ndizimamele. For the last 3 weeks I've been using my weekends to do my driving lessons (yea I'm still on that ish) and yesterday was the big day and again... Alley docking got the better of me, I just can't seem to get that shit right, actually I do get it right during my lessons but on the day of the test I'm always screwing up.

 I guess it's the nerves - why can't they just leave me alone. I booked another appointment for this coming Saturday, wish me luck. I need to get that paper, especially since my leaners is expiring next month, Happy days! BLEH! :-(

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Jenna Marbles - Funny Thursdays

If you have not seen Jenna Marbles series of videos, then I don't know where you've been - My good friend/deskmate/colleague, Roxanne van Zyl, made me watch one of her videos, shown above, and since then, I've seen; 'What a girl's nails mean, what a girl's makeup means and, what a girls shoes mean etc etc.' This girl is hilarious, steal some time off your day and laugh a little. Youtube her to find a series of her other vidz.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

So who do I vote for?

So tomorrow is a very big day, a very 'special' day as most would describe it - It's election day! I am quite excited, I will be honest. I never voted in the previous election - ok to be honest I've never voted as in ever  (yea yea get over it) What I'm excited about is merely the experience not so much the decision I'll have to make when physically making my mark(X) next to 'a' face. I'm not much into politics, and I get it - you don't have to be into politics to actually want to vote, it's just the right thing to do, so we're told.

I don't actually know who I want to vote for, is it going to be UDM, the DA, ANC, EFF, AGANG, COPE, PAC, and and... There, are so many parties, some that didn't even exist until now. Now how do you come to a decision, how do I choose which party is better, is about the better party that's or is it in the million promises or is it the party with the better promises? Which one is it?

We've heard it all; 'More jobs! Better housing! Less corruption.' Seriously? Everyone is fighting for the spotlight and for more people on their side. The truth is, deep down we all know nothing is going to change but we still hope, that just maybe they'll actually stick to the script and actually deliver on their promises. Guess I'll have to eenie-minnie-minny-mo all the way to a decision - (I'm not being serious)