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Monday, March 10, 2014

My first official follower

Happy Monday everyone, well it wasn't quite the happy monday until I got a notification on my cell about someone who had commented on my blog. I looked into it and this is what it said:

Hi Lornz 
bumped into your blog by chance nje out of browsing the blogosphere. It's really cool that you're blogger based in East London too, there aren't many of us here, well maybe I must say I don't KNOW many of us here. Interesting job you have there hun, you work with specific designers/magazines?
Now following your blog, please feel free to check out mine:
The name of the beautiful lady that wrote in is Zona Mpendulo, she's also from East London - I went and gave her blog a quick squizz, and I think you should too. Thanks again Zona, you made my day. Let's bring out all the other bloggers out there - Following is caring :-)

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