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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Milk The Pigeon

Hi friends

I know I have been very quiet, been under a lot of pressure and stress due to work and a whole lot of other things that keep me and my mind busy. I am happy to say I feel a little refreshed, thanks to the internet -weird right? I know you're probably asking yourself what I mean by that and I'm here to explain. A week ago I came across a website called Milk The Pigeon and I must say it changed something inside me, go on click on the link maybe you'll also discover something you didn't even know were looking for. Anyway on the site, which by the way belongs to a guy called Alexander Heyne, I stumbled upon on extraordinary e-book Killing Your Old Life and Living The Dream. The most gripping 54 pages of my life, I was so taken by what Alexander had to say I literally finished the e-book in like 30 minutes.

In short the book talks about following your dreams, not in the cliche sense. The central  point of the e-book, in my opinion, is that you can never truly understand what you want from life until you know what your purpose is - finding a purpose is the key. I think I'm making sense. Anyway download the e-book and take what you want from it. I have been having mini anxieties about where my life is going; which direction it's taking, am I going the right track? Will I ever be successful? What is success? After reading Alexander's ebook some of those questions started falling away, and the biggest question was: What is my purpose in life? I know if I am able to figure that out then I'll be okay.

Alexander's e-book led me to other sites where I also discovered the term Renaissance Soul google it, you'll be surprised at what you find. Renaissance souls are basically people who hate the conforming to certain rules when deciding on career choices or on things they are passionate about, they are the jack-of-all-trades and see nothing wrong with being labelled that, they hate having to choose, they want it all, they want to do everything. I am proud to say that I am a Renaissance soul, I don't like being tied down to one think or focus my mind on one thing. I'm a creative - I want the kind of platform that will bring all my talents together to produce one or more products, The possibilities are endless with Renaissance souls.

Thanks to the internet and to Alexander Heyne for allowing me to discover the new world that is out there. I am so excited to finally become the person I want to be.

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