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Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Friday - Welcome Fashion Fridays

Hi Friends

So after seeing Rita Ora's terrifying ripped/ruffled denim outfit (see below), I decided I'd dedicate Fridays to writing a fashion post each week relating to style or anything fashion. I'll call it: 'Fashion Fridays.' I'll try keep it up, I promise.

You ask why Friday because firstly,  that's my favourite day of the week and secondly, I love to go all out with my look on Fridays because it's my favourite day of the week lol and who knows what I'll be getting up to after work - so I gots to look good. (I do have lazy Fridays, where I really don't try that hard - shut up, I'm human.)

Seriously! What is Rita wearing? Is that supposed to look cool? Where are the Fashion Po-Po when you need them, please make her stop.

Image credit: Dailymail

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