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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Matt Bomer: The Perfect Christian Grey

We're all waiting in anticipation for the sultry feature film 50 shades of Grey. I'm looking forward to mostly the sauve and class that is within the character Christian Grey.

As amazing as Jamie Dornan is, my ultimate Mr Grey would have to be non other than Matt Bomer. Only because of his emmaculate fashion sense, ofcourse. His true style resembles that of his character Neal Caffrey on White Collar.

Matt always looks good in tailored suits with superb structure and interesting cuts. In my opinion, all men should live in tailored suits. There is something about a man in a well tailored suit, something that says 'take note, I'm in charge' but communicated in a way that's without force, just ease. Take at look at some of Matt Bomer's looks:

Paul Fredrick's menswear range communicates just that, it's the type of attire where a man dressed in it just commands attention in his every step.

Thanks to Valerie Williams, from Paul Fredrick, for the opportunity to share my opinion on menswear and who I consider to be the perfect 'Mr grey', it gives me great pleasure to share my thoughts.

With more on the suit, I'm sure many men can appreciate its versatility. The suit is no longer just for the workplace or for weddings; It's now an essential item in your wardrobe that can be worn to various other occasions such as high class fashion and music events, a romantic evening with family friends or with a special lady.

Think classic colours like grey and black but you don't have to be tied down to only those colours, other shades of colour have also been added to the list of what's fashionable in mens suiting.

Prints are also a highlight, this can be from shirts to accessories like ties and pockets squares, please see examples below from the Paul Fredrick range:

A suit has become more than just a white shirt paired with a black blazer and  black slacks. Accessories have given suits more definition. 

Picturing Christian Grey, I imagine a sophisticated man with a love for colour and prints but nothing too loud, after all subtlety is key to this kind of gentleman. A brightly coloured pocket sqaure he'd use to add a pop of colour to his suit. I also imagine him to be the gent that prefers the 3-piece suit even for a quick stride to the store to purchase a newspaper because for him, dressing up is not any special occassion, it's his way of life. 

Look at Matt Bomber in the 3-piece suit and tell me you don't picture him as the original Christian Grey?

Take cue from Matt by trying out the 3 piece suit, the Paul Frederick range has the perfect styles I just love the clean cut of the one below and the colour just speaks sophistication: 

Ending of the look with a double monk strap, in a unique colour such as grey, would be the perfect move for Mr Grey, following after his last name of course. 

You cannot have an amazing suit without the perfect shoe to go with it. Brogues would also be a favourite for this gent. In an ideal world Matt Bomer is my Christian Grey and that is thanks to his effortless style and choice in clothes and how well he mixes them together, especially his suits because let's get real, I'm sure the man sleeps in his suits and I would imagine Christian to do the same.

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